
One of my favourite (ok I know I’m culturally adapting because I can’t decide how to spell that word!) professors at seminary/grad school, Dr. Mike Wilkins once said this: “Take the Word of God deadly serious, but don’t take yourself too seriously.” It’s stuck with me for nearly a decade now.

Today I am practicing NOT taking myself too seriously…watching movies, trying to figure out who to vote for, making a nice dinner. I love these days. It’s almost as though I needed to remind myself today that I’m not what I do, and that God’s purposes don’t depend on my activity, and that his presence with me doesn’t change because I am doing something I do or don’t deem spiritual. I am first and foremost a child of God, wholly loved, and being shaped into the image of Christ. In that process, he has given me a work to do…a privilege to come alongside him. As soon as that work becomes something I do on my own, it is no longer his.

Jesus only did what he saw his father doing. What would it look like if we could be so fully rested and rooted in him that we know what our father is doing? That we stand in Truth rather than what we want to be true today? Man I can’t wait for the day when I see what it looks like to do something out of 100% pure motivation by the love of God.